20 years
Women gets more prison time than every male rapist combined in history (unless the rapist is NOT white)
Women who kill their abusive husbands also get more time than abusive men who kill their wives. Check this out:
Ghislaine Maxwell Receives 20 Years for Aiding Epstein in Sex Trafficking
Ms. Maxwell, who was convicted of conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit, groom and abuse underage girls, will spend much of the rest of her life in prison.
You know why? Cuz she’s a woman. If she was a man, she might have been acquitted. Kavanaugh still on the streets, Trump. People were always like “Epstein was going to rat people out”
I call bullshit. And even if he did, would anyone believe him? Do we really think of Epstein had “ratted” than any of those men would have been charged? Like prince Andrew or Epstein’s lawyer. No, none would have been.
So sorry not sorry I’m not celebrating this
@phezweb on twitter